Thirteen minutes after take-off, the commercial BAC 1-11 aircraft headed for Spain from Birmingham on June 10, 1990, was at 17,300 feet and climbing. Air steward Nigel Ogden breezed into the flight deck to offer the captain and co-pilot some tea.

Then an explosion rocked the cockpit. The flight door Ogden just opened blasted past him, smashed into the controls and sent the plane hurtling earthward at 650km/h. Ogden’s vision was obscured by a flash of fog. When it cleared, he saw his captain, Tim Lancaster, dangling out the front of the plane where the windshield once was.

A recreation of the depressurisation disaster when an air steward clung to Captain Tim Lancaster who had been sucked from his pilot’s seat on a British Airways flight in 1990.

A recreation of the depressurisation disaster when an air steward clung to Captain Tim Lancaster who had been sucked from his pilot’s seat on a British Airways flight in 1990.Credit: Mayday

The malfunction, caused by a windscreen installation error, set off rapid depressurisation in the plane, the same catastrophe that beset an Alaska Airlines aircraft this month when a cabin door blew off and sparked an emergency landing, as well as the immediate grounding of Boeing’s 737 Max 9 jetliners.

Remarkably, no one died in either disaster. But Ogden later recounted in the Herald that, as he gripped his captain’s feet and watched his body bash against the outside of the plane in freezing temperatures for 18 minutes, he presumed the man was dead.

Despite that assumption and the ghastly pain in his arms, Ogden didn’t let go of Lancaster, horrified at the thought the captain would get sucked through the engine.

“I knew I wouldn’t be able to face his family, handing them a matchbox and saying: ‘This is what is left of your husband’,” he wrote.

But thanks to Ogden and the co-pilot who pulled off an emergency landing, Lancaster survived with frostbite and a few fractures. He was flying again in five months. Ogden suffered a frostbitten face and left the industry due to post-traumatic stress.

Unbelievably, Captain Tim Lancaster (centre) survived being half-sucked out the windshield for 18 minutes. Stewards Simon Rogers (left) and Nigel Ogden (right) saved him.

Unbelievably, Captain Tim Lancaster (centre) survived being half-sucked out the windshield for 18 minutes. Stewards Simon Rogers (left) and Nigel Ogden (right) saved him.Credit: Getty

Other depressurisation incidents have been deadly. In 1989, the cargo door flew off a United Airlines Boeing 747 flying from Honolulu to Sydney and ripped a hole in the fuselage. Nine passengers were ripped out of the plane and killed. In another infamous incident, a hole tore open above the first-class passengers of a 1988 Aloha Airlines flight over Hawaii. Veteran flight attendant Clarabelle Lansing flew out of the plane. Her body was never recovered.

Why depressurisation strikes

Depressurisation can be explosive, rapid or gradual, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau says. The explosive kind unfolds in half-a-second and normally occurs in small aircraft. Rapid depressurisation – the kind that occurred on the Alaska Airlines flight – is more common in larger aircraft, takes a few seconds and sets off a loud “bang” with “a sudden fogging of the cabin air”, according to the bureau.

Structural failure including faulty seals on doors, cracked windows or ruptured fuselage walls can trigger explosive or rapid depressurisation. (They can also cause subtle leaks that lead to gradual depressurisation – sometimes there’s no warning of this until the oxygen masks drop.)

A passenger’s view from inside the Alaska Airlines aircraft on January 5, showing the blown-out panel.

A passenger’s view from inside the Alaska Airlines aircraft on January 5, showing the blown-out panel.Credit: AP

The science behind this phenomenon is simple, said Professor Brett Molesworth, a pilot and head of the University of NSW’s School of Aviation.

“With commercial aircraft flying at high altitudes, we’re talking 30 to 40,000 feet. Humans can’t survive with an air density at that altitude. So pilots need to regulate the cabin pressure.”

Despite his terrifying encounter with cabin depressurisation, Captain Tim Lancaster returned to flying five months later.

Despite his terrifying encounter with cabin depressurisation, Captain Tim Lancaster returned to flying five months later.Credit: Getty

The air pressure at sea level is about 14.7 PSI (pounds per square inch) compared with 4.3 at 30,000 feet. That’s because the effect of gravity is greater closer to the Earth, so air molecules are squeezed together more tightly closer to sea level. Up at cruising altitude, the percentage of the oxygen in the air is about the same as at sea level, but the air itself is more spread out, or “thinner”, so it’s hard to breathe.

To address this, the air density of a plane is increased by funnelling air into the cabin – like pumping up a basketball – to a pressure found at 8000 feet, about 11 PSI. Keeping the cabin at sea-level pressure would create too much discrepancy between the outside and inside, risking the plane’s structural integrity.

But the pressure outside at 30,000 to 40,000 feet is still half that of the cabin.

If a hole is torn in the fuselage, air rushes out to equalise the difference between the pressurised cabin and the thin air outside the plane. That creates the “sucking” effect, which was strong enough on the Alaska Airlines flight to rip a passenger’s shirt off.

Molesworth said that the intense sucking effect would be over in seconds once the pressure equalised – but chaos would still reign in the cabin due to the velocity of the aircraft and wind gushing in.

The flash of mist at the moment of depressurisation – reported by Ogden and Alaska Airlines passengers – is caused by the drop of temperature that comes with a plunge of pressure. The air suddenly hits the point where water vapour condenses into droplets (the dew point temperature) before it’s sucked away.

Why gravity isn’t the only danger

Violent depressurisation can inflict barotrauma, when gas in the lungs and other organs rapidly expands in response to a plunge in air pressure. The drop can rupture eardrums or fatally damage blood vessels in the lungs.

Alaska Airlines passengers avoided this fate because the plane was only at 16,000 feet when the fuselage plug blew, so the change in pressure wasn’t as deadly as it might have been at cruising altitude.

The other threat is hypoxia – dangerously low levels of oxygen in the blood and tissue. Hypoxia can set in unnoticed if there’s a smaller, less obvious leak in the aircraft. If the depressurisation is rapid, however, hypoxia can hit in seconds. Aviation safety researchers have established a measure called “time of useful consciousness” that indicates the time span pilots have to respond properly if they’re exposed to low oxygen before hypoxia befuddles their minds.

If depressurisation occurs at 15,000 feet, a pilot has 30 minutes (without supplemental oxygen) before hypoxia threatens his or her decision-making capability. At 40,000 feet, it’s about 18 seconds – which is why affixing oxygen masks quickly is crucial.

But there’s only about 10 minutes’ worth of oxygen supplying those masks on a commercial flight, Molesworth says. That’s why when rapid depressurisation strikes, pilots quickly descend to 10,000 feet, where there’s more air pressure and it’s easier to breathe. But it’s a risky manoeuvre at the best of times.

“Pilots would be worried about getting the aircraft down to low enough altitudes to sustain human life, worried about a midair collision, worried about the aircraft integrity affected by the rapid descent,” Molesworth said.

“But the [Alaska Airlines] pilots did the right thing when they had a depressurisation. They descended immediately to a lower altitude that would sustain human life within the cabin.”

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