A scrapped plane, which was being transported from Lucknow to Assam on a truck, got stuck beneath a bridge in Bihar’s East Champaran district, causing a massive traffic jam, police said. The incident occurred near Piprakothi in Motihari around 11am on Friday.
According to assistant superintendent of police (ASP) Raj from Motihari (Sadar), “The scrapped plane, being transported from Lucknow to Assam on a truck, got stuck beneath the Piprakothi bridge in Motihari, causing a traffic jam.
#WATCH | A scrapped aeroplane being transported by a truck got stuck in the middle of the road under Piprakothi bridge in Bihar’s Motihari, earlier today.
The plane was being taken to Assam from Mumbai. pic.twitter.com/bSoCNHooIF
— ANI (@ANI) December 29, 2023
The front part of the fuselage cleared the bridge, but the tail-end got stuck. With the assistance of Piprakothi police, other truck drivers, and locals, we were able to remove the plane and restore normal traffic movement after a few hours.”
The official said, “The driver misjudged the height of the bridge and that’s why it got stuck.” A video of the incident went viral, showing pedestrians and motorists trying to find an alternative route as the plane blocked the road.